Hello! You have had Extensions Strip installed for at least 30 days. Please register this copy if you intend to continue using it. After you register, this random annoying message will stop. Thank you for supporting shareware.  Extensions Strip cannot run because the active “Extensions Strip Control” control panel is a different version than this Extensions Strip is designed for. Please install the control panel that came with this software package and restart. Extensions Strip has been damaged and could execute any further. Sorry, Extensions Strip cannot run because your machine does not have color quickdraw. Sorry, but this Extensions Strip beta has expired. Please obtain a new copy so that you can effectively test the latest version. Sorry, an error occured while sending an Apple Event so the chosen task could not be completed.  The program Extensions Strip cannot run because "Control Strip" or "Desktop Strip" is already running.  To fix this problem you should install the “Extensions Strip Control” control panel that came with the software package. Sorry, Extensions Strip cannot launch because another copy of it is already running.  Extensions Strip cannot run because the Control Strip traps have not been installed.  To fix this problem you should install the “Extensions Strip Control” control panel that came with the software package. Extensions Strip was unable to launch because an unexpected error occurred.  When running Extensions Strip you may notice that some mouse clicks seem to pass through the Strips. This is a known bug in all versions of System 7.  To fix this problem you should install the “TSM Fix” extension that came with the software package. This software is unable to run under your System Software. Extensions Strip uses the Text Services Manager, which is only available on computers with System 7.1 or later.